nxt indx

Data policy

We do not collect personally identifiable information. Ever.

NXT INDX uses Cabin for web analytics. It is a non-invasive, privacy-first and carbon conscious product that is compliant with all privacy laws out of the box. That means no annoying banners and no way anyone can identify you personally based on your activity on this site.

Position and submission data management through Notion.

Curated jobs and submissions are managed with a Notion database through the Notion API. When you submit a position through the form on this site, you create a new entry in the Notion database with the information you provided through the form. Nothing personally identifiable about yourself is automatically recorded through the submission process. We highly recommend you never submit anything personally identifiable and only provide already publically available information about a specific open position. You can always ask us to delete a submission; simply provide the details about via email and we will delete the entry immediately. Any submission will be deleted after 6 months, regardless of whether the position is still open.